Vishwas-Kiran Catechism Book Series

According to the experts in the field of curricula construction, the best or an effective curriculum is that which is constructed around the learner. Our, “Light of Faith Catechism Book Series (for parish catechesis), “Light of Truth Catechism Book Series” (for school religious instruction) and विष्वास-किरण धर्मशिक्षा श्रृंखला are examples of Learner-centered or Child-centered Curricula. ‘What,’ ‘how,’ ‘why’ and ‘when’ something should be taught or ‘how’ the content of faith education is structured is determined by the maturation level of the learner and not by the internal logic of the content of faith education. It is also distinct yet complementary curricula, as explained above.

The faith education curricula which is constructed, published, recommended and followed in the parishes and catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Delhi are the following. If in case, you are not following these series, please bring it to the notice of the concerned authorities.

School English Catechism Books (Light of Truth Catechism Books)

Parish English Catechism Books (Light of Faith Catechism Books)

Parish Hindi Catechism Books

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