Living our Catholic Faith through involvement in our parishes and community brings many blessings. We are nourished by the support and friendship of others, we can feel energized and enthused about making a difference in the lives of those around us and as we reflect on our involvement in the light of faith, we can come to see God working in and through us.

In this website, we outline some ways in which you might like to become involved and highlight various upcoming events in which you may like to take part.

Remember to keep in touch with faith, ministry & spiritual formation through Vishwas Kiran Catechetical Centre.

Becoming a Catechist

Are you thinking of becoming a catechist? As you discern the call to serve as a catechist, it might help to take a peek at some catechists in action to see what it looks and feels like to do this work. You can visit in your parishes and see the classes going so that you can get a taste of this ministry.

Our Publications

Vishwas Kiran Catechetical center has published books for Parishes and Schools. Light of Faith Catechism Book Series for Parish and Light of Truth Catechism Book Series for Schools. We have a separate set of parish books in Hindi. With the help of these books you can teach the best catechism lessons in schools and parishes. These Catechism books are for kids of all ages (Classes 1 to 12).


Who is a catechism teacher?

A catechism teacher can be a lay person, priest, religious, deacon or a seminarian. He or she represents the Church and helps the parents in educating their children in Catholic faith and practices. They do not substitute the parents but only help them in their duty.

Who can become a catechism teacher?

Practicing Catholics who have the basic knowledge of  Christian faith and practices, and have the willingness and commitment to impart the same to the younger generation can become the catechism teachers.

How to become a catechism teacher?

Whoever wishes to become a catechism teacher must inform their desire to the respective Parish Priest. The Parish Priest will appoint them according to the need in his parish. 

What training or formation is needed to become a catechism teacher?

Catechism teachers must attend the seminars and the training programs   organized by the diocese.

Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation

Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation

Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation James Peter  “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No...

Being an Evangelising Community

Being an Evangelising Community

Being an Evangelising Community James Peter   The Church which 'goes forth' is a community of missionary disciples who take the first step, who are involved and supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice. An evangelizing community knows that the Lord has taken the...

Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel

Following Jesus in Mark’s Gospel

Following Jesus in Mark's Gospel Maria James Mark, the author of the gospel with this name, was the apostle Peter’s interpreter in Rome and one of his closest collaborators. Early Church writers tell us that Mark wrote his gospel at the request of the Christians...

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